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TMJ Programs in Morganville, NJ

New protocol combines Prolotherapy, PRP, SoftWave, and Erchonia Fx635 laser!
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Stem Cell Injections


New (2022) Study in Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery finds a treatment to be effective in the treatment of pain and dysfunction in TMJ as shown by significant improvement in pain and MIO (mouth opening) and patient satisfaction!
The study concluded: The technique is simple and safe with no significant side effects and should be adopted whenever appropriate!


This treatment is called Prolotherapy!
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Another study published in 2021 J Maxillofac Oral Surg concluded:

Our study concluded that prolotherapy is an effective therapeutic modality that reduces TMJ pain, improves joint stability and range of motion in a majority of patients. It can be a first-line treatment option! Dr. Bodner has been performing Prolotherapy for almost 20 years and believes it is the foundation for any TMJ treatment program!

Why Prolotherapy? The answer is simple. It works! It’s safe! And it’s proven!
In fact, a 2021 issue of Scientific Reports published a “systematic review “ where they examined the results of multiple studies specifically on Prolotherapy for TMJ and concluded: DPT (Prolotherapy) conferred a large positive effect which met criteria for clinical relevance in the treatment of TMJ pain!
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

Previously primarily available only to professional athletes and the wealthy, PRP is now available to everyone! we have found PRP to be a highly effective treatment. In fact, a recent study published in J Oral Rehabil. 2022 Feb. concluded: Platelet-rich plasma injection can significantly improve pain, mouth opening, abnormal joint sound, and mandibular function in patients with TMJ-OA and has good repair effect on condylar bone defects.

Dr. Bodner is highly experienced with PRP injections.

View our full PRP page by clicking the button below.


Nicknamed “The stem cell machine” by the TV show The Doctors, SoftWave therapy uses sound waves to:

  1. Reduce inflammation
  2. Break up adhesions and scar tissue
  3. Increase blood flow allowing healing
  4. Stimulate your body to send stem cells to the treatment area for regeneration.

View our full softwave link below.
Softwave Therapy

Erchonia FX635 Robotic laser

When applied to injuries and lesions, low level laser light has been shown to stimulate healing and to reduce pain by accelerating the speed, quality and strength of tissue repair and the reduction of inflammation. Furthermore, laser therapy has been found to be particularly effective over other standard therapies in relieving pain and other symptoms associated with injuries as it impacts the complete system of targeted muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, bone, nerve, and dermal tissues.

Lasers can strengthen damaged cells. Using photochemical processes, laser light inserts bio- photons into damaged cells. The cells begin to produce energy (ATP), which improves their function, assists their division, strengthens the body's immune system, and causes the secretion of various hormones. The tissues are healed, and pain diminishes. If damaged cells have died, the bio-photons help the division of neighboring cells, generating new tissues, and thus bring about healing.

Erchonia FX635 Robotic laser

Therefore, the Erchonia FX635 laser promotes healing, regeneration and pain reduction through the following mechanisms:

1) increased cell membrane polarization and permeability

2) increased ATP production and respiratory chain activity

3) increased enzyme activity

4) increased collagen and epithelial production

5) increased capillary formation

6) increased macrophage (immune) activity

7) analgesic effects due to elevated endorphin production, electrolytic nerve blockage, and improved blood and lymph flow

8) anti-inflammatory effect due to improved circulation and accelerated tissue regeneration; and

9) increased production of antioxidants.

The Full Program

Each part of the program plays a role. We combine PRP, Prolotherapy, SoftWave, and Erchonia Fx635 laser in an affordable package and have had excellent results.
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